una bella lista che ci indica che i k98 contratto portoghese del 41 sono stati anche tenuti dai tedeschi, hanno combattuto e sono stati preda bellica russa. In neretto il lotto a cui appartiene il mio
http://forums.gunboards.com/showthread. ... rial-studyThread: Portugese Kar.98k serial study
• Moderator / Silver Bullet member
1. Join Date
Dec 1969
Portugese Kar.98k serial study
Note: Need to know whether German (GER; "Ger?" = a rifle thought German used, but not conclusive), Portugese (PORT), RC or not (RC is important), Norwegian (important) matching or not, import marked (by whom) or not. PLEASE, I need full serials (no x's). Also, if it has a matching bayonet, that information is important as well. Any info emailed will be strictly confidential and is erased after it is added to this list. Tks!
GER = German use
PORT = Portugese use
NI = Non Import / Not Import marked
RC = Russian Capture
E19747 (M937, 1937 dated)
F 493 (PORT, Sarco import, match, flatbutt plate w/cross)
F 543 (PORT, NI)
F 636 (PORT, NI)
F 962 (GER?, NI, match, service use, Ger. type stock repair, vet bb?)
F 997 (GER, NI, match, Liege Belgian reproofed, rechambered 8x60S)
F 8690(GER, RC, Empire Arms)
F 1356 (?, NI, match, claimed vbb from North Africa, used cond.)
F 2154 (PORT, NI)
F 2342 (?, from old eGuns auction, flat buttplate)
F 6756 (PORT, import, matching, matching bay.)
F 8690 (GER, RC, Empire Arms)
F 9595 (PORT, NI)
F 13614 (GER, RC, Coles)
F 14685 (GER?, matching exc. floorplate, Belgian proofs, Belgian auction)
F 14744 (GER?, NI, matching)
F 15290 (PORT?, uniss., matching, NI, Canada)
F 15521 (PORT?, NI, matching, used, Gunbroker 081306)
F 16699 (PORT, Uniss., matching bay., RI Auction)
F 16980 (PORT?, NI, match, used)
F 17470 (PORT, NI, match, 90%, CLOSE bayo.)
F 18096 (GER, RC, Coles)
F 18970 (GER, RC, Empire Arms)
F 19457 (? , NI, match, 85%. cross on flat buttplate)
F 19555 (PORT, Austrian coll., match, 85%, w/match bayo.)
G 441 (GER, NI, match, W.Ger. proofs, in Australia)
G 535 (GER, RC, Coles)
G 615 (GER, RC, Coles)
G 776 (GER, RC, Coles)
G 1403 (?, NI, matching, flat butt w/+)
G 1550 (GER, RC, Coles)
G 2423 (GER, RC, Empire Arms)
G 2409 (GER, RC, Coles)
G 3281 (GER, RC, Coles)
G 4044 (GER, RC)
G 4297 (GER, RC, Coles; 01-08-06,"restored", import marks removed)
G 5137 (GER, RC, Coles)
G 5265 (PORT, NI)
G 5355 (GER, RC, ground crest)
G 5404 (GER, RC, Coles)
G 5675 (GER, RC, Coles)
G 5814 (GER, RC, Empire Arms)
G 5860 (GER, RC, TN Guns)
G 5906 (GER, Norw. rebuild, CAI)
G 5962 (GER, RC, Coles)
G 6418 (GER, Norwegian)
G 6552 (GER, NI, matching, used cond.)
G 7025 (GER, RC, Tn Guns)
G 7197 (PORT?, match, match bayo.)
G 7460 (GER, RC, Empire Arms)
G 7668 (GER, Norwegian)
G 7531 (GER, RC, TG Knox)
G 7740 (GER, RC, Coles)
G 7792 (GER?, NI, German commercial proofs, Port cross on buttplate)
G 7883 (GER, RC, Coles)
G 8108 (GER, RC, Coles)
G 8374 (GER?, NI, matching, heavy use)
G 8524 (?, NI, matching, used, GB)
G 9694 (GER, RC, Gunbroker sale, CONSECUTIVE W/9695)
G 9695 (GER, RC, Coles)
G 9854 (GER, RC, Coles)
G 10735 (GER, RC, Coles)
G 12126 (GER, RC, Coles)
G 12132 (GER, NI, Norwegian conv. to .30 H/ER 14681)
G 12396 (GER, NI, "vet bringback")
G 12658 (GER, RC, Coles)
G 12792 (PORT?, NI, match, exc/uniss. cond.)
G 12913 (GER?, NI, match, no Port. stock crest, two WaA135, Eagle H)
G 13371 (GER? NI, match)
G 13382 (GER?, NI, match but stock, from Ger.)
G 13594 (PORT, NIM, unissued)
G 13796 (GER?, NI, Deactivated, UK)
G 13985 (GER, DDR proofs, Iraqi proofs, 1950s DDR Suhl proof)
G 14186 (PORT?, NI, match, uniss. condition, Canada)
G 14394 (GER?, barrelled action, phosphated, Belgian auction)
G 14473 (PORT, NI, match, uniss., match bayo.)
G 15018 (PORT, NI)
G 15166 (GER, RC, Coles)
G 15194 (GER, RC, Tn Guns)
G 15459 (GER, NI, match, 0.2 mk'd rebarrel)
G 15919 (GER, RC, Coles)
G 16561 (GER, RC, Coles)
G 16938 (GER?, NI, no further information)
G 17268 (GER, RC, Coles)
G 17392 (GER?, NI, mm)
G 17525 (GER, RC)G 18213 (PORT, uniss., match)
G 18795 (GER? E/H, schrapnel dmg. stock, NI, match)
G 19129 (GER, RC, Coles)
G 19249 (GER?, NI, match, demilled)
G 19197 (PORT, NI, German proofed in 1980, Port. cross on buttplate)
G 19783 (PORT, uniss., NI, match)
H 173 (GER, RC, Coles)
H 687 (GER, RC, Coles)
H 907 (PORT?, NI, match, Canada)
H 1401 (GER?, NI, match, well used)
H 1707 (PORT, NI, match, Canada, bayonet H 19063)
H 1773 (GER?, NI, match, no Port. crest on stock, used, reportedly from Mozambique)
H 2477 (GER?, 85%,)
H 2563 (PORT, NI, match, uniss. cond.)
H 2872 (PORT, NI, match, uniss., match bay.)
H 3410 (GER?, NI, match, 90%+, AA 112106)
H 3695 (PORT, matching, uniss.)
H 5083 (PORT, NI, Anchor over M stock)
H 5243 (PORT, NI, match bayo.,mm scabbard)
H 5488 (PORT, NI, match)
H 5786 (PORT, NI,uniss., match bayo.)
H 5935 (PORT, Hansen import, uniss., match)
H 7395 (PORT, Canada, match)
H 7604 (PORT, NI)
H 7728 (PORT, Import, Hansens?, match w/bayo G 16341)
H 7919 (PORT, NI, uniss., match, match bayo)
H 8541 (PORT, NI, uniss., match, match bayo)
H 9886 (PORT, Hansen import, match)
H 11332 (PORT, match, exc., match bayo., mm scabbard)
H 11816 (PORT, NI, match, cup butt with +)
H 12181 (PORT, NI, matching)
H 12770 (PORT, Hansens 1995 import, match)
H 12857 (PORT?, "HGO SPIGN" import marked?, match, 95%+, GB 081207)
H 13179 (PORT, NI, uniss.)
H 13366 (PORT, NI, match, Canada)
H 13889 (PORT?, matching, Canada)
H 13939 (PORT, matching, Canada, match bay. 1979 from Lever Arms, Vancouver BC)
H 15001 (PORT, NI, uniss., match)
H 15079 (PORT, match, exc., match bayo., Australia)
H 15169 (PORT, NI, match, AA 03-19-06)
H 16027 (PORT, Hansen Import, matching, exc.)
H 17265 (PORT?, NI?, match, 80%, AA # 7378997 042306)\
H 18721 (PORT, NI, match, uniss., match bayo.)
H 18550 (PORT, NI, match, uniss., match bayo.)
H 19063 (bayonet only)
H 19785 (PORT, NI, match, uniss., match bayo.)
Great information translated from Portugese reference:
"The Mauser M941 contract was sign in July, 15, 1941, for the purchase of 50.000 rifles, to be delivered in 10 batches of 5.000. But serial numbering had some problems. The first 4 batches had consecutive numbers, but after the 23.000 rifle- the german made an emergency requisition that interrupts the serial number sequence. The remaining batches are delivered with serial numbers from F to I, and only H batch would have complete and consecutive numbers."
"Armamento do Exército Português Vol. I- Armamento Ligeiro" – Pages 142 and 143. ISBN 972-8816-43-X.
Note: Luso's Portugese documentary information fits the F block observations above, saving for one rifle. The author of the Portugese text likely did not have access to the physical observations we have here for RC's. My speculation: Blocks F and G are a full 20,000 run, as meant for the contract. H was probably meant to take up the balance of 10,000 rifles to conclude the 50,000 contract run for Portugal. However, the tail end of the H block was expanded to make a full 20,000 run to account for 10,000+ rifles diverted for German use from G and early H. The Germans were fastidious about records, order, and contracts.
On the buttplate crosses (Submitted by Winchester Cowboy):
It appears this cross is widely used in Portugal, sailing ships, flags, monuments, etc.
http://www.symbols.com/encyclopedia/22/2245.html22:45 • This cross is sometimes called Portuguese cross. It was the sign on the standard of the Grand Master of the Teutonic Crusaders' Order used in the battle of Grünwald, Tannenberg, in 1410, against the Poles, where the Teutonic knights were defeated. It was a common cross form on crusader knights' coats of arms during the Middle Ages. See also the crutch cross, , in Group 28.
http://www.symbols.com/encyclopedia/30/3026.html30:26 • Five centuries ago, the Order of the Temple Knights (using the Maltese cross, , as their symbol) was forbidden in European countries by the Pope. However, the order remained powerful in Portugal since its Master Knight was Prince Henry of Portugal. The order was renamed Order of Christ, and this sign (withouth the circle) was chosen as their symbol. The Portuguese discoveries were made possible much because of the wealth of the order, and the symbol was used on the sails of the Portuguese ships. Since then the symbol has been used widely in Portugal, e.g. on fighter planes, navy ships and soccer team clothes and flags.
Compare with in Group 22.
Last edited by Hambone; 02-17-2010 at 09:25 PM.